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Sunday, April 24, 2011


I was up early this morning. Sunday mornings are early for me. Why? Because we have only one bathroom. Sure, you're thinking, "big deal!" But, when you have to get seven people looking somewhat presentable... you have to start early. And, guess who was first this morning at 5:15? Yep!

But, as I looked out the window as the sun slowly came up, I rejoiced. Having written the first post about the crucifixion, it was easy for me to emotionally feel down, looking at the spiritual life from the suffering side. And, yes, there is suffering and sorrow in the Christian life. But that is not what Christ wanted for us.

"Rejoice evermore."
Christ paid the sin debt! I can have the same resurrection power in my every day life... the same that raised Christ from the dead! He is not a dead man we worship. He is the One!
Rejoice today!

"Why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

(I hope I'm alright in saying this, if not, forgive me, you know who!)

But today I was talking with someone about my previous blog post, and she said, "I have often wondered about whether the Bible doesn't emphasize the physical part of the crucifuxion because the practice of crucifixion wasn't foreign to those living in Bible days or because the physical aspect wasn't the focus." (that is in summary, not EXACT words :) So, that encouraged me to do another blog post on the SPIRITUAL significance of the cross.

Think about the incarnation. God became Man. God became His creation. He became dust. Why?
Because the price for heaven was perfection. Man, from the Garden of Eden, had become imperfect. Every one of us is a sinner. And was a sinner. All men were marred with the stain of sin. Their sin. "Dead in trespasses and sins."

Thus, when Jesus came to earth, He was the ONLY perfect one. And, He was the only One who could pay the price for sin. OUR sin.

But the price was death for the sinless and perfect.

As he hung on that cross, Jesus took on Hell. He had been deserted by his family, friends, and, then by God. That day, Christ experienced what no living human will ever experience. God forsook him. God left Him. Why? Because Christ WAS every sin we ever committed. The agony of the physical didn't even compare with the spiritual separation. "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"

The same separation that YOU will experience in Hell. If we dont accept the full atonement of Jesus, Hell will be horrible, not because of the fire, not because of the darkness, but because of the separation from God. Living death in a God-less eternity.

The sinless, perfect life that Christ lived on this earth seemed to end in defeat. But his last words foreshadowed what would three days later shake the world. IT. IS. FINISHED!
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