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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Toddlers, Dresses, Flips, and Face-plants

Because I work with my dad now, I leave three times a week between and . It’s nice to have some extra money, and I have some extra time to work before I start my shift.

But I’m missed. Yesterday, I came home, and Anna was sitting on the couch reading a book. When she saw me, the smile that illuminated her face melted my heart! She proceeded to tell me about two of her greatest joys that day: her dress that zips (any dress is a joy for Anna J) and her flips on the trampoline. I didn’t think much about it when she ran to me and laid on my shoulder for a few minutes, just snuggling. (my joy of the day J)

Then I thought it would be nice to take her out on the trampoline, just to spend some time with her. So, we bundled up (after she went and changed her dress for culottes. She didn’t want to rip her dress) and went outside. She jumped for a while before she exclaimed, “Rachel, watch me do my flips!”

At first, I was nervous, hoping she didn’t flip right off the side of the trampoline. Until I saw what she was talking about.

She jumped about ten times in the air. Then, to my horror, she threw her arms in the air, turned her body to the trampoline, and fell. Nose first into the trampoline. Face first. Onto her stomach.

She laid there for a few seconds, and I got nervous. Just when I was going to say something, she made a sound. Giggling. Laughing. She looked up at me with the biggest grin on her face. Then she said in the most angelic voice, “Did you see me flip? I’m really good at that too!”

Then, she did the same thing again. And again. And again.
We gotta love ‘em!


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