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Monday, May 2, 2011

How easy it is to rest and believe during the easy times! Every truth is exactly that – truth. You accept it for what it is. You blog about it. You talk about it. It is reality. It is right. It is truth.


Trials come that test truth.


Your heart is breaking.


Sorrow is eating away at your soul.


You don’t think you can go on.


The truth becomes reality.

What do you do when your whole being is pushing against what you’ve been taught? What do you do when truth requires you to do exactly what you know you can't?

The immediate reply, “Just do it. Trust the Lord.”

But, that’s from the outside of the situation.

The inside isn’t so easy. I mean, it is… but it isn’t.

Our mind may know.

Our will may be to do what is right.

But our emotions don’t. Every time you think about the decision, you get a knot in your stomach. Tears drip from your eyes constantly. Smiling seems like jumping across the Grand Canyon.

Ladies hear this all the time. Don’t let your emotions rule you! Don’t depend on your emotions. But, again, that’s easy to say… much harder to do.

So, what do we do? We decide, “I’ll just not think about it.”

In fact, just a few days ago, I told someone, “I’m just trying to keep it from my mind.”

But are we ever commanded to ignore the problems? Ignore the hard part of life?

Are we ever told to focus on the problems? To become consumed with our trial?


The solution: ….

I can’t claim to have the answers. I don’t.

Focus on the Lord. What a Great God our God is! He cares for us. He loves us. He’s all-knowing. He’s just. He’s our hiding place. Our Hightower. Our Refuge in time of trouble.
Focus on Him, and the rest of life grows dim. Not goes away. Not escalates. We see our struggles in perspective.

He is the fountain for a thirsty soul.
He is the healer and so much more.
When my heart is broken by this world’s demands,
The pieces are mended with one scarred hand

It’s a hand that holds this whole world in place.
Oh, a hand that was scarred just to give me grace.
And to think of the hand that holds the stars
Is small enough to mend one broken heart.

And when I can't stand, I have to lean.
And when I can't see, I have to believe.
The Great Physicians touch is a bond that can
Mend broken hearts with one scarred hand.
 ~Kyla Rowland
Free blog design by Adori Graphics using the Every Woman digiscrapping kit by Adorible Digital Designs